spiritual direction

Through my spiritual direction practice I offer a safe space where you can explore the experiences that matter to you. Together we will seek the next invitation on your journey as you trust and follow your experience of your deepest self and the Divine.

Below you’ll find answers to some frequently asked questions and a form to book a free 30 minute exploratory call.

What is spiritual direction?


Spiritual direction is a conversation between two people where one person (the director) listens deeply to the other (the directee) as they talk about their life, spirituality and deepest questions. Through this conversation, the directee is helped in noticing and connecting with the Divine Presence, however the directee names and understands that (God, Love, Christ, Higher Power or something else).

My practice of spiritual direction is guided by my foundational belief that where we really are is where God is too. Because of that, what matters most to me is that I help people feel safe to be honest (tears and swears are welcome!).

During our sessions I will offer you companionship as you reflect, wonder, question, wrestle, and celebrate. Like a midwife, I will stay with you while you do the important work of birthing whatever is held within you.

Through compassionate listening, gentle questioning and playful guided practice, I will help you go deeper into your experiences as you notice and respond to the invitations as they emerge.

Spiritual direction is an ancient practice which is evolving to meet the needs of the widening variety of those seeking accompaniment. My experience has been that people approach spiritual direction differently, depending on their personalities, needs and preferences.

For some people, spiritual direction is a place of verbal journaling where they can reflect on, process and share with the Divine what is happening in their lives and within them; for others, it is a space to explore questions or practices; for others, it is a quiet space where they can listen to what wants to be noticed and named. Some people come to direction knowing what they want to talk about, others come with no idea. All approaches are welcome and I am practised in adapting my approach to complement yours.

Who is spiritual direction for?


Everyone! I believe that every person’s life is a sacred place of encounter with the Love that holds us all. I have directees with settled religious commitments while others feel unsettled or undecided in their beliefs. All feel drawn to go deeper and come as soulful seekers on the shared journey of life.

That said, people often seek spiritual direction…

…during times of transition, uncertainty, or decision making when inner noise may be loud and there is a heightened need for companionship and support.

…when they want to explore - freely and without judgement - their experience of the Divine and their spirituality (perhaps following a significant or surprising experience).

…as a safe space to lay out all the things of life and seek meaning, understanding or a next step.

…to process faith shifts, noticing and naming what has ended and what is emerging as well as all the accompanying experiences and emotions.

…because they desire to deepen their relationship with the Divine and/or grow trust in their own capacity to experience the Divine.

My work as a spiritual director is grounded in the Christian contemplative tradition which emphasises love, mystery, wonder, and the sacred in the ordinary. I have an expansive and expanding faith and love being surprised by how and where I encounter the Divine. Because of this I delight in meeting with people from all backgrounds and spiritual traditions from all over the world (time zones permitting!).

What can I expect in a spiritual direction session?


Every spiritual direction session is a bit different but there are some common patterns:

  • Each session begins with me asking what you need in order to begin. That could be a moment of silence or a guided settling practice. It’s ok if you don’t know how you want to begin - I can help you enter our time together intentionally and can suggest something if you would prefer. Alternatively, if you’re ready to jump straight in, you are welcome just to start talking!

  • During our time, you can share anything and everything you like. Nothing is irrelevant or inappropriate, all is welcome as an opening onto the inner life. Often the uncomfortable, messy or seemingly trivial things in life turn out to be the most important. I will provide a safe place for you to share your stories, feelings and experiences. Through gentle reflective listening and by offering wonderings and noticings, I will help you to go deeper into your experiences and questions. Together we seek to notice and follow where you are being invited.

  • I leave space around our words so that your noticings can “breathe” and so we can attend to what is beneath the surface of words. There is no rush during a direction session.

  • During a session I may invite you to pause so you can stay with something that seems important. I may invite you to pay attention to where something is felt in your body or may ask if you would like to be guided deeper into an image or memory. All of this is offered with the intention of helping you to become present to yourself and your deepest knowings. There is, however, absolutely no pressure to say “yes” to these invitations. Gentleness is my guiding principle and it is critical that you feel safe throughout the session.

  • Each session ends with a period of intentional reflection. Again, this could take many forms. If I sense there is a fitting way to close our time together, I will suggest it and you are welcome to say “yes” or “no”. Otherwise, I will ask you how you would like to close our time.

How often do you meet and how much does it cost?


I meet with directees in person in Bedford and via Zoom. I currently see directees 10am-4pm GMT Monday-Friday. I have directees around the world in a variety of time zones and I know where the places of overlap tend to fall so don’t be afraid to enquire if you are in a different time zone.

I usually meet with directees once every 4-6 weeks but this is completely flexible and depends on your needs. I have some directees I meet fortnightly and others I see only a few times a year.

I offer a sliding scale of £50-£75 per session and you are welcome to choose any amount from that bracket that works for you. I also have some capacity to offer scholarships. Please ask for more information if you need it.

Sounds good! What’s the next step?


If you’d like to explore the possibility of journeying with me as a spiritual companion, you can use the form below to book a free 30 minute introductory chat.

This exploratory chat is an informal opportunity for you to get to know me and for us to discern whether we have a good “fit”. Discerning our “fit” is largely about seeing whether you feel safe with me and to check that our practical constraints are compatible (time zones etc). During our introductory chat I will help you name what it is you are seeking and we will explore whether spiritual companionship with me is the appropriate support and care for you. You are also welcome to ask any questions you may have.

I never want people to feel pressured into making a hasty decision. Sometimes it’s easy to discern a “fit” and we can arrange a first meeting during the exploratory call but you are always welcome to take your time reflecting and then get back to me with your decision.

I always book one session at a time so you can go slow and we can adapt the frequency to suit your needs.

Book a free exploratory chat

I would love to assist you in finding the support and care you need (even if it turns out not to be with me!). Please fill out the form and let me know a little about yourself. I will reply via email to say hello and set up a time to meet.


“God comes to you disguised as your life.”

— Paula D’Arcy, quoted by Richard Rohr in Falling Upwards