Prayer is an invitation to inner experience. Through prayer, we become present and attentive to ourselves, to our lives, and to God.
How we pray is as personal as our DNA and there is no right or wrong way. Sometimes, though, we long for practices to refresh or deepen our inner life which is exactly what you’ll find in my book Playing in Living Water: Practising a Prayerful Life.
Join me on a scrappy and soulful journey through the seasons.
I am currently writing weekly-ish letters to my paid Substack community, sharing my family's playful exploration of seasonal living.
Letters from a Soul Friend
In these letters, I share my stories to encourage you to honour and share your own. I also offer wonderings, prompts and practices to help you connect deeply with yourself, your life and with the divine presence, however you name and understand it.
You can either read my letters via my Substack website or you can subscribe for free to have them delivered to your inbox.